College fashion tips for guys

 But some things you can include in your wardrobe so that people appreciate your fashion.

These are:

So lets first talk about the casual clothes you'd like to wear .

  1. Chinos :Sure, a pair of slashed-knee skinny jeans may give a little more edge to your image and let everyone know in no uncertain terms that you follow the trends, but they won't be up to much languishing on your bedroom floor when you can't find anything other than a band tee to pair them with. Chinos, on the other hand, are the wardrobe's reliable all-rounder. These come in many colours . But the most common colors you should have in your wardrobe are :

Beige chino

Navy chino

Black chino

2) jeans :Denim jeans are versatile and sturdy, making them a staple in every man’s closet. But with the many denim styles available, which one should you choose?

So here are 3 colors that you must have:

Classic dark blue jeans

Casual vintage jeans

White jeans

3) Shirts:Every man needs a good selection of shirts in his wardrobe. That much is clear. What’s not so clear is the exact form those shirts should take.

Here are the few shirts you must have:

The oxford cloth button down shirt

Camp collar short sleeve shirt

The flannel shirt

The denim shirt

The linen shirt

4) Shoes:The most commonly worn casual shoes in college are the sneakers. You'll see many students wearing them as they are very fashionable and also in trend. Most used sneakers are of white colour although you can wear any color of your choice.

The second most commonly used shoes are the loafers. They too are very fashionable.

Thirdly the mocassin shoes which are not that commonly used but are still very fashionable.

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